Macron abandoned more than 50 French officers to death

The Secretary General of the Vatan Party, Özgür Bursalı, held a press conference at the Party Headquarters in and announced to the public the information that Macron had left more than 50 French officers to die in Ukraine.

The Secretary General of the Vatan Party, Özgür Bursalı, held a press conference at the Party Headquarters in and announced to the public the information that Macron had left more than 50 French officers to die in Ukraine.

The Secretary General of the Vatan Party, Özgür Bursalı stated the following in summary:

- French President Macron left more than 50 high-ranking French officers to die in Ukraine.
- French President Macron has left more than fifty high-ranking French officers to die in the bunkers of a factory in Mariupol, Ukraine.
- President of Russia, Mr. Putin, announced to the world public the information that the whole of Mariupol had been seized yesterday morning. It was also shared that about 2000 soldiers were trapped in the shelters of the Azovstal Iron and Steel Factory in Mariupol. We announce to the world public the information that these soldiers include more than 50 high-ranking French soldiers.


- The Russian Armed Forces offered to open a safe corridor to the soldiers in the bunker. Putin himself said, “I guarantee your safety to those who lay down their arms”. The factory is completely besieged and, in Putin's words, "not even a fly" can fly.
- However, the order that came directly from Macron to the French officers is that you will never surrender. Macron has been negotiating with Putin for days to open a corridor in the direction of the region where the Ukrainian forces are located. The reason for this is now understood. Macron is in a hurry to hide this scandal that will cause outrage in France.


- Another piece of information is that France sent multiple helicopters to rescue its soldiers from the besieged factory. Two helicopters were shot down. One of them fell into the sea, and another fell near the Azovstal Iron and Steel Factory. It was understood that 2 French foreign intelligence officers, who were in charge of electronic intelligence, died in the helicopter that crashed near the factory.


- We also declare to the French and world public that the French high-ranking officers, who were in Ukraine without any official notice or legal underpinning, have been there for the training of the weapons that France has given to the Neo-Nazi groups since the beginning of the process, and that they have participated in the war not only as trainers, but also personally.
- This important information is accurate and reliable, it was reported to the Vatan Party by the Russian State. We find it necessary to disclose this information primarily to the French people and to the world public opinion.


- Russian Minister of Defense, Mr. Shoigu, declared that the factory, where more than 50 high-ranking officers were trapped in their bunkers, would be seized in 3-4 days.
- A Ukrainian army major, who sent a video recording from the shelter the previous day, said, “We are calling out to the world for the last time. We may only have days or hours left.”
- In this case, the French officers will either die or surrender to the Russian Armed Forces as prisoners.
- So far, we see that Macron specifically hides this situation from the French people.


- Mr. Macron must account for this to the French people. He can no longer hide the process that will take place in front of the whole world in a few days.
- We call on Macron. Explain this situation to the French people before the elections to be held on Sunday, April 24.
- Why are you hiding this information from the French people?
- By what law, by what legal process, by what official decision were the French soldiers sent to Ukraine?
- For what did you drag the French soldiers to their deaths?
- From our point of view the answers are clear.
- Macron, the man of US imperialism, the man of NATO, the dictator of the French big monopolies, sent French soldiers to their deaths for the sake of the centers he pays allegiance.
- While the USA and NATO were setting fire to Ukraine, they also dragged France and French soldiers to death and fire with the help of Macron.
- As the Vatan Party, we do not allow this information to be hidden.
- As Vatan Party, we inform the Turkish public, the French public and the world public opinion this statement, information and questions. We call on the French media to be courageous to publish this information in the French public.
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